Personal Accident Insurance

Person slipping on a wet floorWe have been providing personal accident and illness insurance to our clients for many years and have developed a panel of leading insurers so that we can offer you suitable policies for a broad range of circumstances at competitive prices.

Why Personal Accident cover?

  • Accidents can happen to anyone at anytime.
  • Most accidents are minor, but others can be more serious even life changing.
  • Statistics show that we have at least a one in seven chance of being away from work for at least six months.

How could Personal Accident Insurance assist you?


  • Inexpensive way to compensate a family or an individual following an accident that prevents an income earner from going to work.
  • Capital benefits may assist following a life changing accident or by payment of a death benefit that provides financial assistance to a family. Additional costs may include adapting homes, providing care or re-training for employment in other areas.
  • Weekly benefit may assist in replacing lost income for the period of inability to work and enable mortgage payments and bills to be met.


  • Inexpensive cover and may be used to compensate the Business or to provide financial assistance to staff as an ’employee benefit’.
  • Capital benefits may assist the Business with the permanent loss of a member of staff or provide financial assistance to the employee (provision to adapt home, care or even re-training in employment).

All manner of occupations/trades considered from White Collar to Security/Construction staff working in war and terrorist hotspots.

Illness cover is also available subject to additional underwriting

Locum Insurance

As a GP, Vet, Dentist or Consultant having to use a locum can be substantial and unplanned expense. As a scarce resource, a locum can command generous fees and, if you are not properly insured, a lengthy absence could cost your practise dearly.

Locum insurance features

The policy provides protection if an insured member is unable to work due to accident or illness anywhere in the world.
As well as flexible options for excess periods and weekly benefit amounts, a Locum insurance product can cover the following:

  • All partners and employees
  • A benefit level of up to £3,000 per week
  • Capital death benefits up to £100,000
  • Reimbursement of ‘waiting period’ following an accident
BIBA (British Insurance Brokers Association) Hedron Network

Copyright © 2025 Birnbeck Finance Limited t/a Birnbeck Insurance Services
Registered Address: Whetcombe Whey, Ropers Lane, Wrington, Somerset, BS40 5NH
Company No. 01158939
Registered in England and Wales

Our industry’s ombudsman is the Financial Ombudsman Service
We are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority
FCA Registration Number: 125599
Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act Certificate