Monthly Archives: July 2019

Specialist Cover for Home Automation Contractors

We have access to a Home Automation and Smart Home Installers Insurance scheme, which is specifically tailored to the needs of Home Automation contractors. It is a bespoke policy suited to the risks of working in the sector and includes a number of benefits.
Our Public and Products Liability cover can include the following covers at competitive premiums:

• Contractual Liability
• Inefficacy
• Defective Workmanship
• Optional extension available for damage to the part being worked upon

In addition we can include cover for a number of other requirements such as employers’ liability, professional indemnity and property insurance.

If you need any help with this area of insurance then please contact Stuart to discuss on 01934 522252.

BIBA (British Insurance Brokers Association) Hedron Network

Copyright © 2025 Birnbeck Finance Limited t/a Birnbeck Insurance Brokers
Registered Address: Whetcombe Whey, Ropers Lane, Wrington, Somerset, BS40 5NH
Company No. 01158939
Registered in England and Wales

Our industry’s ombudsman is the Financial Ombudsman Service
We are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority
FCA Registration Number: 125599
Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act Certificate

Grand Designs for your Home? Consider Home Works Insurance

When notifying your current household insurer of a significant home renovation, particularly where insurance cover is required by contract, homeowners can frequently find themselves faced with numerous difficulties.

Standard household insurers are often unable to continue covering the property effectively, or at all. They do not have the appetite to continue insuring what is effectively a building site, and all the inherent risk that brings.

A standard household insurer may provide cover for the existing house but this is usually on a highly restricted basis. This puts the homeowner at risk of not having adequate cover in place for their property and may even invalidate the policy if a JCT contract requires cover in joint names with the contractor.

Birnbeck can offer Home Works and Home Renovation policies, which provide a single, seamless solution that can cover the existing structure, contract works, contents and property owner’s liability all under one policy.

If you need any help with this area of insurance then please contact us to discuss on 01934 522252.