Monthly Archives: August 2017

Insurance for Airbnb lets

Airbnb and Home and Let Property Insurance

Airbnb has opened up a new world of opportunity to generate income from your property. The flip side is that home and property owners need to beware that insurance companies will not always accept that whole of part of your property being let via Airbnb and your policy may be invalidated as a result.

Only certain insurers will allow homes to be let via Airbnb and at Birnbeck we have access to insurance products that will allow buy to let properties to be let via Airbnb and can give you the appropriate cover. Home insurance cover can be more problematic and care needs to be taken to disclose this activity to your insurer and make the appropriate arrangements.

Whilst Airbnb provide a Host Guarantee, as they freely admit it is not a suitable substitute for properly arranged insurance. Storm and flood damage is not covered by the guarantee and any losses need to be linked to your listing with Airbnb.

Please contact us on 01934 522252 so we discuss your requirements.


BIBA (British Insurance Brokers Association) Hedron Network

Copyright © 2025 Birnbeck Finance Limited t/a Birnbeck Insurance Brokers
Registered Address: Whetcombe Whey, Ropers Lane, Wrington, Somerset, BS40 5NH
Company No. 01158939
Registered in England and Wales

Our industry’s ombudsman is the Financial Ombudsman Service
We are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority
FCA Registration Number: 125599
Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act Certificate

Nursery and Childcare Insurance

Nurseries & Childcare Insurance

If you are looking to cover your  child care centre or nursery you may have found it a challenge and not be entirely sure if you are getting exactly the right level of cover, both legally and appropriately for your business.

We can assist you with your insurance for Nurseries, Private Day Care Centres and Kindergartens. Cover for days out including outdoor learning and Forest School sessions can also be included.

Typical cover for your nursery business will include:

Public Liability

Employers Liability

Business Interruption

Legal Expenses

Building Insurance

Vehicle/minibus insurance

Loss of Registration

Personal Accident Cover

Professional Indemnity

Without speaking to an insurance professional who is employed to work on your behalf you are leaving it to chance whether or not you have the correct level of cover you need for your business.

We ask the questions that insurance companies require and disclose information to them to ensure you have the cover you need.

If you feel you require additional cover for any other activities you are involved in, please give us a call on 01934 522252 and we will be able to arrange the appropriate cover.


Metal Fabricators

Insurance for metal fabricators and metalworkers

We have access to an exclusive facility for the metalwork sector which offers market leading cover at competitive premiums. We have considerable experience in arranging insurance for clients working in this sector built up over a number of years.

Included amongst the activities that we can insure are steel fabricators, sheet metal work, CNC milling, CNC lathes and precision engineering. Site work including hot works can be accommodated. Work with structural steelwork or jobs at hazardous locations can also be included subject to full details.

 Please contact Stuart or Lorna on 01934 522252 should you require further information.


Do you need last minute travel insurance?

Do you need last minute travel insurance?

Quote and buy travel insurance is now available online via Birnbeck’s website. We have partnered with experienced travel insurance specialist Citybond Suretravel to provide instant travel insurance quotes online, at competitive premiums.

Citybond provide 3 levels of cover Supreme, Premier or Economy to cater for differing cover requirements and budgets.

The insurance schemes available include Single Trip Travel, Year Round Travel, Young Traveller and Long Stay.

As ever if you prefer to please feel free to contact the office to discuss your requirements and obtain a quote on 01934 522252.